Hello and welcome to a new beginning of Vanessa the Violinist!
Please have a look at my new site and let me know what you think. I have started this as a chance to update you all as regularly as I can on what's going on in my new life as a full-time violinist and violin teacher. All the upcoming concerts, teaching updates and amazing moments.
It's official.. It's the beginning of September and my studying days are over having just finished a Masters degree at the Guildhall School of Music and Drama. Now I'm looking forward to all the playing work that I receive and keeping building on my teaching.
NEW! I am taking on more private students particularly around East London.
Watch this space for more updates to come!
P.S. For those that know my old website www.vanessatheviolinist.co.uk, this will be deleted in February. This will be the most up to date information.